Beginning this weekend, Holy Communion will be distributed during the Communion Rite of the Mass. We greatly appreciate your continuing efforts in maintaining a safe distance from the person in front of you, keeping your face mask on as you receive the Eucharist from the priest or deacon, and consuming the Eucharist six feet away from the minister.
Also beginning this weekend, we will have a structured dismissal of the church; after the Celebrant returns to the Sacristy. Following public health guidelines, we will dismiss the congregation one section a time; moving from the back pews [which are closest to the exits] to the front pews. We kindly ask the congregation to wait for your pew to be dismissed by an usher and to maintain a safe social distance between households. Thank you for your help in keeping our Masses safe, orderly, and prayerful.
The April 11th bulletin is located
HERE featuring the dedicated names of beloved family and friends whose family members offered a donation for the Easter flowers on our altar.
Into the Breach- Imagine you're in a battle and 1/3 of the soldiers go AWOL. One in three Catholic men have left the faith. There is a serious man crisis. Men, are you ready to be part of the solution? Join Fr. Fields for our next
Into the Breach gathering tomorrow at 7:30 AM. Join us with the Zoom meeting link,
HEREand password 20852.
Confessions are Saturdays from 1:00-2:00 pm and Wednesdays from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. Or call the rectory office during business hours 9 am to 5 pm to request to make an appointment.
This Sunday, April 11 is Sharing Sunday. Parishioners are invited to bring a bag of non-perishable food as they come to Mass Saturday evening or on Sunday. The collected non-perishables will be distributed to a local food pantry in the area.
Parish Online Rosary Prayer, Our next community rosary prayer will be
Sunday, April 11th at 12:30 pm. To join us
HERE with the password 20852 in prayer to our Blessed Mother. Or call in by phone at
1-301-715-8592and enter the meeting ID, 815 1590 4769, and password when prompted. We look forward to praying the Glorious Mysteries with you this Easter season!
Sunday, April 11, at Fr. Fields will offer a virtual Eucharistic Holy Hour for
Divine Mercy Sunday at 3 PM on Facebook Live. The Holy Hour will begin with Exposition and a brief reflection on God's merciful love for mankind. The Holy Hour will conclude with the recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Benediction. You will be able to participate in the Holy Hour
Youth Group Pizza and Basketball Shootout, Sunday, April 11th, 5-7 pm, St. Mary's Church and Outside the Parish Hall: All teens are invited to St. Mary's for a celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday! Parents and teens will attend the 5 pm Mass together before meeting for socially distant dinner, games, and discussion outside the Parish Hall. Please RSVP or ask any questions at
[email protected] so we can provide enough pizza for all attendees.