Dear Parishioners,This week Hurricane Ida and its remnants, brought her fury to areas from the Deep South to the Northeast, including within our parish boundaries. Let us pray for the people who have lost their lives, the families who mourn them, and strength for the communities to rebuild. Interfaith Works in our community is accepting monetary donations, gift cards and items for the families who are directly affected from the Rockville flooding. If you wish to contribute visit HERE. and click the link for helping the Rock Creek Woods Flood.
The September 11-12 Sharing Sunday Food Collection will be designated to the Inner City Food Pantries at four parishes in Washington, D.C. The pantry's serve the communities of St. Luke, Holy Name, St. Thomas More and St. Vincent de Paul. Please be generous if you are able. Bags will be distributed after all Masses this weekend.
All are invited to the Knights of Columbus Picnicon Saturday,September 11, from 5 pm to 8 pm.Father Cuddy Hall 1700 Overhill Dr., Derwood, MD., All standard cookout fare will be served. Tickets will be sold at the door. $20.00 for families with children; $5.00 a person. Credit cards will be accepted. Proceeds will benefit the Archdiocese for Military Service. For more information, contact Dan Huff at [email protected].
Altar Serving at St. Mary's Sunday Masses is gearing up to resume. Any altar server who wishes to return and any boy or girl who would like to be trained as an altar server, (entering the 5th grade in September 2021 or older), a parent is requested to contact Father James directly via email HERE.
Interested in learning more about the Faith?Parishioners of all ages are invited to join Fr. James Glasgow for a book discussion Sunday afternoons at 3:45pm beginning September 12th in the Parish Hall. We will be reading The Spark of Faith by the Papal Theologian, Fr. Wojciech Giertych, O.P. You can purchase itHERE.We will be discussing the first chapter at the September 12 meeting. For more information, email Fr. James HERE.
CCD Classes will begin Sunday, September 12th, and registration is open for both new and returning students! Our religious education (CCD) classes will meet Sundays from 10:45 am -12:00 pm in the St. Mary's School building. Sacramental preparation classes are offered for First Eucharist + Reconciliation and Confirmation, with 2 years of classes required for each, beginning in 1st grade for First Eucharist, and 7th grade for Confirmation. Registrationmust be completedHEREbefore your child can join CCD classes. We look forward to sharing the Catholic Faith with your family this year!
We look forward to seeing more parishioners return to our safe, and prayerful in-person Masses.
Confessionsare Saturdays from 1:00-2:00 pm and Wednesdays from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. Or call the rectory office during business hours 9 am to 5 pm to request to make an appointment.
Do you have a friend or family member who is may want to become Catholic? Our RCIA Program may be just what they are looking for. St. Mary's RCIA Program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) would love to help them know just how much God loves them and is calling us to a deeper joy filled relationship with Him. Please contact Olivia Crosby via email at [email protected].