Stay awake and be ready! For you do not on what day your Lord will come.
It seems like in all things we do these days it revolves around the pandemic and its effect on us and our families. This isn't meant to be a negative statement. We want lead cautious lives without being fearful or having anxiety. If we think of God as a beacon of light, as long as we focus on Him, then we may be spiritually prepared when the Lord calls for us. As we continue in the month of November, we pray each day for the souls in purgatory.
Confessionswill be offered Saturday, November 7, 1 pm (2 priests) and Wednesday, November 11, 5 pm(1 priest) in the Main Church.
Pre-recorded Sunday Massis available on Saturdays at 5:00 pm on our parish's Facebook page, (@stmarysrockville), Twitter feed, (@stmaryrockville) and YouTube channel. When participating in the Mass, remember to fast as you would do when attending church in person and pray a spiritual communion prayer as Father Fields is receiving Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in the liturgy.
St. Mary's Online Youth Group, Sunday, November 8, at 7 pm: All high school students are invited to join us as our online small group meets by Zoom video call! We hope your teens can join us as we share a Bible Study on Jesus' suffering on the Cross for our salvation, and play the popular game, Among Us, as a community! For the meeting link and permission form, please e-mail [email protected]. Parents are requested to give their interest for potential youth group activities in our online parent survey HERE. Youth group will meet online every other Sunday at 7 pm, also meeting on November 22nd.
St. Mary's Parish Office will be closed on Wednesday, November 11 in honor of Veterans Day. The office will reopen on Thursday, November 12 at 9:00 am. God bless our veterans for their service!
St. Mary's School is hosting a Virtual Open House on Thursday, November 12, 2020, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. This session is for families considering St. Mary's School for the Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade in the 2021-22 school year.
Please contact the school for information.
If you are considering Catholic School for your student next Fall, now is also the time to apply for financial aid. The Archdiocese of Washington is accepting applications for Financial Aid for the 2021-22 School Year. Applications are now being accepted for students who may enter Catholic School in the Fall. Please see the Archdiocese website for information:
Thank you! Thank you! to all St. Mary’s parishioners for supporting Troop 472 Scouts with their Online Popcorn Sales. They are very grateful.