Dear Parishioners,As we continue through the pandemic, St. Mary's Church will offer a pre-recorded Sunday Mass beginning this weekend. Look for the Mass to be posted every Saturday at 5:00 pm on our parish's Facebook page, (@stmarysrockville), Twitter feed, (@stmaryrockville) and YouTube channel. Let us continue to pray for one another asking Our Blessed Mother to intercede on our behalf for strength, perseverance and patience. May the Holy Spirit guide us in all of our decisions and keep our families safe.
New County Executive Order on Mass Attendance-This past Tuesday, Montgomery County relaxed restrictions upon religious facilities to allow for more congregants; while enforcing new safety practices. These measures include, but are not limited to:
* Permitting seating capacity to follow a defined calculation of total worship space, but not to exceed 40% of the building occupancy.
* Marking the pews to reflect appropriate distancing of at least 6 feet between households.
The changes you will see in the Main Church reflect both the new easing of restrictions and the reinforcement of safety expectations, allowing for an anticipated capacity of 250 people per Mass.
Confessionswill be offered Saturday, Sept 26, 1 pm (2 priests) and Wednesday, September 30, 5 pm (1 priest) in the Main Church.
CCD Classes begin Sunday, September 27, virtually!Religious education classes will meet by Zoom video calls for children from 1st grade - High School, including for Sacrament preparation. All students in 1st grade and older are invited to our First Communion preparation classes, and all students from 7th grade through high school are invited to our Confirmation preparation classes. Students must be registered to receive their class's meeting link by e-mail. To register, pick up textbooks, or ask any questions, please email [email protected] or call 301-762-8750.
CCD Volunteers Needed:St. Mary's Religious Education Program needs a few more volunteers and substitutes for the 2020-2021 school year, including a 6th grade teacher! Adult and teen volunteers are needed for so that we may offer our CCD classes through online meetings. Please contact Thomas Patchan to volunteer or ask any questions about this opportunity to service your parish’s children at [email protected] or 301-762-8750.
"Evangelization is the mission of the Church, not just of a few, but my, your, our mission." - Pope Francis
St. Mary's Online Youth Group, Sunday, September 27, at 7 pm:All high school students are invited to join us as our new small group meets by Zoom video call! We hope your teens can join us for games, Bible study, and community with other Catholic teens at St. Mary's. For the meeting link and permission form, please email [email protected]. Youth group will meet online every other Sunday at 7 pm, also scheduled to meet on October 11th and October 25th.
2021 Confirmation Parent and Child Viritual Meeting, Thursday, October 1st, 7 pm:All Confirmation candidates and their parents are asked to attend this online meeting to kick off their final year of Confirmation preparation! If your child is in the second year of preparation for Confirmation, to be received in Spring, 2021, please attend to hear the details for Confirmation activities this year.
40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Join our local 40 Days For Life campaign as we pray and witness for an end to abortion outside LeRoy Carhart's late-term abortion clinic at the Wildwood Medical Center on Old Georgetown Road in Bethesda. The campaign has begun and will run through November 1, 2020. Join groups from other Montgomery County parishes any day, but especially on Saturday or Sunday. All are welcome to join! Details at:, or e-mail [email protected] more information.
Scouts Fall Clothing Drive- As you ready your closets for fall, please consider donating items you no longer need. The St Mary's Scouts will collect gently used clothing and home goods for the Interfaith Clothing Center the weekend of Oct 17- 18. The scouts will be in the parking lot during the Saturday 5 PM mass and the morning masses on Sunday (not the 5 PM Sunday). Please look for the U-Haul with Scouts in the church parking lot.
Support St. Mary’s 472 Cubs, Boys and Girls Scout Troops! Due to COVID-19, the Scouts will not be conducting their annual weekend sales, but you can still support 472 Scouts by ordering Popcorn, Candy, Coffee and more or making an American Heroes donation online, via phone or email! Visit
HERE to order online
OR contact Trisha Camobreco before October 18, 2020 at
[email protected] and place an order to be delivered in November. Cash, check or credit card are accepted. Keep in mind that some items are only available online. Thank you for supporting St. Mary’s Scouts!