Thursday, March 25- The Feast of the Annunciation!
We apologize for this duplicate email from yesterday. The link to the Digital Stations of the Cross was not accessible and needed to be corrected. Thank you.
Dear St. Mary's Parishioners,
On behalf of Msgr. Amey, Father Fields shares the latest St. Mary's response update to the State of Emergency.
Digital Parish Stations of the Cross, Friday, March 27th and remaining Fridays of Lent, 7 pm: All are invited to join St. Mary's for the next three Fridays of Lent for a digital prayer of the Stations of the Cross! We will pray and reflect on the Stations of the Cross through an online video call at this link each Friday, and we hope you can join us for this Lenten community prayer. The link to access is HERE. If you are new to ZOOM, please sign on 15 minutes ahead to download and follow the prompts to sign in.
On the website there is a new page created to keep track of the communications sent during this time. It is at>News & Events> News. Please share with any St. Mary's parishioners you may encounter who haven't received any emails from Msgr. Amey. It can be found HERE.
In regards to the new Executive Order for the State of Maryland from Governor Hogan on March 23, 2020, the following updates have occurred at St. Mary's Church.
Confessions continue to be offered Wednesdays 6:30 - 8pm or Saturdays, 4-5 pm in the Main Church.
Our Lady's Chapel is now closed to visitors until further notice. We ask parishioners to make their private devotions at home.
The priests continue to be available for any sacramental emergencies in danger of death. Please call the rectory office directly 301-424-5550. If it is after hours, the recording will direct you to a phone number to connect to a priest.
Unfortunately, the parish office cannot receive visitors to stop by in person. The parish office is available to answer any inquiries via the telephone, 301-424-5550 or email [email protected] during business hours of M-F, 9 am to 5 pm.
The mail slot is available in the rectory office door to leave any offertory offerings, Mass intention requests or communications to the priests or staff.
We wish to conclude this email with an encouraging note. Deacon James offers all of us a short mediation of how to stay connected in Lent. HERE.