The Archdiocese of Washington revised its guidelines for the public celebration of Mass. These modifications take into account the following:
* The increasing percentage of residents who have received the vaccination, particularly those in the age demographic who are at highest risk of contracting Covid-19;
* The low positivity rate and declining hospitalization rates locally;
* The recent Public Health Order by the Montgomery County Board of Health on May 18, 2021; and
* The continuing guidance and orders from State and local health departments regarding masking, cleaning, and social distancing.
Based upon the above, the following changes will be made at St. Mary Parish; effective tomorrow, Saturday, May 22, 2021.
* The use of masks while gathered indoors is not required for fully vaccinated individuals.
* The use of masks while gathered indoors remains required masks for non-vaccinated individuals.
* The use of masks by priests and deacons while distributing Holy Communion is still required during the distribution; as is the requirement to sanitize one’s hands prior to the distribution of Holy Communion and if one’s hand touches the hand of the communicant. Holy Communion on the tongue continues to be discouraged. If a minister distributes Holy Communion on the tongue, he must still sanitize his hands after the distribution to each individual on the tongue.
* The Sign of Peace will be restored with the use of a gesture, such as a bow or wave, but shaking of hands is avoided.
Please note: Additional modifications are expected when the current Montgomery County Public Health Order expires on May 28 and the County follows the Maryland Department of Health requirements that are in place at that time. We will communicate any further guidance with the parish and make the modifications responsibly.
As we continue to invite parishioners to return to in-person Masses, we share this affirming note from Jenn Do, Parish Pastoral Council Member and Education Liaison. The note is included in this email with her permission:
"Ever since reopening last June, the highest priority of the clergy, staff and volunteers at St Mary’s has been to provide a clean and safe church and your family!! As a mom of kids aged 4 to 15, I am fully comfortable and confident attending Mass, Confession and other sacramental events. Virtual participation was most appreciated when needed but in-person participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is our best act of prayer and worship we have as Catholics. So come on back!! You are missed and loved!!"- Jenn Do
We look forward to seeing more parishioners return to our safe, orderly, and prayerful in-person Masses.
Confessions are Saturdays from 1:00-2:00 pm and Wednesdays from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. Or call the rectory office during business hours 9 am to 5 pm to request to make an appointment.
Parish Online Rosary Prayer, Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the Month, 12:30 pm:Our next community rosary prayer will be this Sunday, May 23rd. To join us in prayer to our Blessed Mother this Mother's Day, please follow the meeting link,
HERE, and password, 20852, or call in by phone at
1-301-715-8592 and enter the meeting ID, 815 1590 4769, and password when prompted. We look forward to praying the Glorious Mysteries with you this Easter season!
Youth Group Cook-out and Welcome for 8th Grade, Rescheduled to this Sunday, May 23rd, 5-8 pm, St. Mary's Church and Outside the Parish Hall:All current 8th-12th grade teens are invited to St. Mary's for a cook-out and celebration of our 8th graders' Confirmation! Teens will attend the 5 pm Mass together before meeting for socially distant dinner, games, and discussion in the parking lot outside the Parish Hall. Please RSVP or ask any questions at
[email protected] so we can provide enough food for all attendees.
Eucharistic Holy Hour Series-Join fellow parishioners for the final Eucharistic Holy Hour this May as part of the series "Moving Forward to the Light of Christ". This Monday, May 24th's Holy Hour begins at 7 PMin the Main Church. The Holy Hour will include exposition, brief reading from Sacred Scripture, homily, silent time with the Lord, and benediction. The intention of this Monday's Holy Hour is for the laity of the Church.
Congratulations to All Adult Confirmandi! St. Mary's is happy to celebrate the Confirmation of 8 adults this Pentecost, May 23rd! Please pray for our candidates and their sponsors as they receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit at our 5 pm Mass this Pentecost.