Dear Parishioners, We take time this weekend to honor our Blessed Mother with the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. God preserved the mother of Our Lord from original sin and gave her glory with her Assumption into heaven. Through the powerful intercession of Our Lady, may all of us desire holiness and life in heaven.
Our next youth group will be on Tuesday, August 17th, from 6-8 pm in the St. Mary's Parking lot. All rising high school students are encouraged to join us for dinner, games, and discussion as a youth group! Please RSVP to [email protected] so we can provide enough food for all participants.
Pro-life Mass and Eucharistic Procession, Saturday, August 21st, 7 am, 932 Hungerford Drive, Rockville- All are invited to join pro-lifers from other Montgomery County parishes for a Mass with the intention to protect the unborn, heal parents of aborted children, and convert abortionists. The Mass will be celebrated by Father James Morrison. All attendees should park behind building 932, at the south end of the Jackson Place complex.
CCD Classes will begin Sunday, September 12th, and registration is open for both new and returning students! Our religious education (CCD) classes will meet Sundays from 10:45 am -12:00 pm in the St. Mary's School building. Sacramental preparation classes are offered for First Eucharist + Reconciliation and Confirmation, with 2 years of classes required for each, beginning in 1st grade for First Eucharist, and 7th grade for Confirmation. Registration must be completedHERE before your child can join CCD classes. We look forward to sharing the Catholic Faith with your family this year!
A volunteer is still needed to serve as our high school Confirmation CCD teacher.If you or anyone you know is interested in assisting or learning more, please e-mail [email protected].
We look forward to seeing more parishioners return to our safe, and prayerful in-person Masses.
Confessions are Saturdays from 1:00-2:00 pm and Wednesdays from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. Or call the rectory office during business hours 9 am to 5 pm to request to make an appointment.