Dear Parishioners, This Sunday, April 25, is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations; also known as "Good Shepherd Sunday". The purpose of this day is to publicly fulfill the Lord's instruction: "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Matthew 9:38; Luke 10:2). Please pray that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life or secular institutes.
Our parish's children are preparing to receive their First Eucharist this weekend and next weekend. Please pray for our First Communicants as they prepare for this blessed Sacrament! For any questions, please e-mail [email protected].
Parish Online Rosary Prayer-Our next community rosary prayer will be this
Sunday, April 25 at 12:30 pm. To join us in prayer to our Blessed Mother, please follow the meeting link,
HERE and password, 20852, or call in by phone at
1-301-715-8592and enter the meeting ID, 815 1590 4769, and password when prompted. We look forward to praying the Glorious Mysteries with you this Easter season!
Crowning an Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary-The Church has always honored the Blessed Virgin Mary. The tradition of depicting Mary with a crown dates to the 5th century and the tradition of placing a crown on an image of her dates to the 16th century. The Order of Crowning an Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary will take place after the Universal Prayer at all in-person Masses next Sunday.( 5 pm Vigil, May 1 and all Sunday Masses, May 2).
O Mary, Mother of hope, strong with your help, we do not fear obstacles and difficulties; fatigue and sufferings do not discourage us, because you accompany us on the path of life, and from heaven you watch over all your children, filing them with grace. To you we entrust the destiny of the peoples and the mission of the Church.
St. John Paul II
In May, we will offer a
Eucharistic Holy Hour Series entitled “
Moving Forward to the Light of Christ”. Father Fields will offer four Eucharistic Holy Hours in the Main Church. The Holy Hour will feature exposition, a brief reading from Sacred Scripture, a homily, silent time with the Lord, and benediction. Since everyone will be wearing a face mask, incense will not be used during the Holy Hours. These Holy Hours will be in-person only. Invite a friend and spend some time with the Lord!
Here is the schedule and the prescribed intentions of our 4-part Eucharistic Holy Hour Series:
Monday, May 3, at 7 PM : Holy Hour for the repose of the souls of those who have died during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Monday, May 10, 7 PM : Holy Hour for the intentions of medical professionals and volunteers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Monday, May 17 , 7 PM : Holy Hour for the intentions of civil and ecclesiastical leaders.
Monday, May 24,
7 PM: Holy Hour for the intentions of our parish.
The April 25th bulletin is located
HERE. Please read the special letter from Father Fields to Parishioners.
Confessions are Saturdays from 1:00-2:00 pm and Wednesdays from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. Or call the rectory office during business hours 9 am to 5 pm to request to make an appointment.